Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Have you read Eclipse?

Yesterday I drove to town and purchased a copy of Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. On an earlier post, I mentioned the earlier books in the series, Twilight and New Moon. Being a fan of the series, I couldn't wait to sink into the latest novel. Late last night after the kids went to bed, I pulled out my copy and read until 4 in the morning. I have to say the book was fairly fast paced, filled with suspenseful action and incredible fight scenes, so it was easy to be dragged into long periods of reading, not wanting to put the book down to even go pee. I don't want to send out any spoilers, so if you have read the novel, and you want to dish about it, e-mail me or post on this blog. If you haven't read the series, go out and read it now...thank me later for cueing you in on a great story!


Unknown said...

Lucky you to be able to find a copy. Around here they are like gold....everystore is sold out. I have to wait til the stores get more or until its my turn from the library.

Marcie said...

Thanks for reminding me- these are the next three books that I need to read. By the way, LOVED the last Harry Potter!

Jackie said...

May I pay you some Money to barrow Eclipse? Erin, I know you won't turn down money! I need to fill the hole in my heart with....with....WITH....OK, I have a crush on Edward Cullen!! I leave my window open every night waiting for his cold lips to press against mine and I keep waking up to hot HUMAN lips? I tried painting Chris white and dying his hair black, but he didn't believe me when I said it was a Relief Society Project.

JayandCassandra said...

The move is coming up soon isn't it?? Good luck, moving on or off an island sucks as you already know.

Peggy Eddleman said...

Erin! I ditched all responsibilities relating to my house and yard (but not my kids- although, they have noticed a distinct decline in me being able to actually know what they said to me while I was reading) to be a "responsible friend"- now I am dying to talk to you about Eclipse!

Leslie said...

I read it the first day it came out but as you know, I was a tiny bit disappointed in a few areas. However, some of the other parts made up for it and now I can't wait for the fourth!