Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Books, I have something to say about.

I've used this post title before.  It just popped up when I typed in the word books so I figured, what the hey, might as well re-use.  It's like Recycling, right? 

Here's the thing.  I like to read. 

Yes, yes, I know.  Surprising, right? 

Well, I read quite a bit, and I love it, and I'll keep doing it.  So when my friend who writes MY PILE OF BOOKS asked me to review books for her, I thought HECK YES!  Since I'm already reading a book a day, I might as well espouse my thoughts and likes and frustrations and dislikes on someone other than my poor husband and super nice, book loving friend. 

So, please go over to MY PILE OF BOOKS and check out all the book reviews. 

And on a side note, of those books pictured above, they all are worth the reading time!  I loved them!


Shari said...

Thanks for the list of books. I'm always looking for new good books to read.

Love your pic, BTW.

Just SO said...

That site is awesome!! Thanks for the link.

Leslie said...

Erin, I'm a friend of JoAnn's and I just landed on your blog (funny how that happens, right). I just read your cinnamon roll post, and I think I'm going to attempt it. Never done it before, but you made it THanks for the play-by-play.

i'm erin. said...

Oh way to go Leslie! They worked great for me, so let me know how they turn out for you.

Aubrey said...

Erin I love your new blog title pic! It's gorgeous!

We love having you over at MPB!

Love your little pile there! I still need to read Fallen!

Krystal said...

I just don't know how you have the time! You seem to be able to do everything--I want to be you when I grow up!

Peggy said...

I don't get it. Did you do the review of The Mark? I didn't see a reviewer name anywhere.

Aubrey said...

Peggy, there is a Posted By at the very end of the post by the comments links. Erin is reviewing for us every Wed. So you can be sure that is her review. ;) She also reviewed today!

A. said...

Seriously Erin, how do you do it. A book a day?! Didn't your passion with photography turn into a career? What about That spark for writing? Haven't you been writing a book? All that and being a wife and mother to FOUR kiddos. (I won't even get into your other "hobbies". ;) )


I'm thinking I need to move to Utah. Because the only way this is even possible for a human to accomplish is that there are more hours in the day in Utah. :) That or you really are super human. :P (or you have a nanny, housekeeper, gardener, and personal cook serving all the other aspects of your life. hee hee)