Wednesday, April 15, 2009

33 Years Old...Time for a Career Change?

Mark, my totally awesome, happy kid-loving hubby, turned 33 yesterday! And, while we are out roaming around the pacific northwest, we happened to stop in the great farming country of eastern Washington. We took a few hours and toured a 4000 acre-large farm. In fact, we didn't just tour, but we rode in the tractors as the farmers plowed up the CIRCLES (I'm pretty excited about that word because I just learned what it means in farming language. The particular farm we visited farms 40 circles...that's a lot.)

Mark had so much fun out on the farm, that Troy, my 'much' older, funny, financial-planning brother-in-law thought the best way to celebrate Mark's 33rd birthday day was to get him some Cowboy necessities: Wranglers, Pork and Beef, 'chips', and of course ROCKY MOUNTAIN OYSTERS. (Don't panic, they weren't the real thing...just a representation. If you really want to be disgusted, by all means, follow the link...don't say I didn't warn you.)

Happy Birthday Mark! I hope you enjoy your new FARMING life.


Just SO said...

Happy Birthday Mark!! I think you should go for the real thing!

Kristina P. said...

Happy birthday to Mark!

Weight Family said...

LOL... Jay totally has a strange desire to be a farmer too... weird, I think! That's awesome. Happy Birthday to your Hubby!

Kayleen said...

Happy Birthday Mark!I'll be hitting the big 33 this fall. Maybe I'll have to round me up some Rocky Mountain Oysters!! Yee-haw!! Hope you guys are having a great vacation.
Take Care!

Fugal Family said...

Happy Birthday!! Rocky mountain oyster are really not that bad - you just can think about what you are truely eating. It won't take too long before you are tired of plowing and harvesting. Every once and a while I miss it, but not enough to do it again :)

Carterista said...

Happy Birthday! Glad you had a rompin' good time. Softish cruchiness all around.

Ipo said...

Happy Birthday Mark!!