Monday, January 14, 2008


Shout Hooray, Today is the Day! It's MONDAY, the get fit day. So how did you do last week on your renewed fitness goals? If you had some set backs, shrug them off this week and this week focus your attention and energy on DETOX! This is the week to become in tune with who you are and to feel darn good about that. Sometimes I feel pretty good about my wide flat feet and my ghetto bootie, but there are other times that I fret over my oddly thin and limp hair, or my bulging knee pudge. But, when I think about the many things I am grateful for, all those inconsequential annoyances fade away.

Physical / Mental / Spiritual Fitness:
This week add to your daily fitness an extra 5-10 minutes of slow, peaceful stretching and meditation. Add stretches for your lower back and upper back and slow them down. TAKE YOUR TIME and as you stretch, think of what you are grateful for. Try a light relaxing yoga and focus your mind on how many things you can be grateful for. You will feel excellent at the end of this extension of your work out, you will feel like a NEW YOU!


Mariko said...

Erin, come on. You know you're hot. Your ghetto bootie? (boot-y, by the way.) Pudgy knees? Stringy hair? What's wrong with your mirror, anyway!?

i'm erin. said...

Mariko! You are sooo stinkin funny, and where is your blog by the way?

Mariko said...

It's private. You'll have to give me your e-mail address. said...

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