Today Henry was noticably early for school, so to burn time I had him practice writing and drawing. Once I got him going on an activity, I left to get the two youngest ready for the day. When I returned it was nearly time for Henry and George to leave for school.
As Henry pulled his coat on, I happened to look at the paper he was working on. Next to a cute picture of a dinosaur/half man I read:
I see lundin
I see Frantz
I see
Normally when I decipher his writing and I can figure out what he's written, but this time I was baffled.
"Henry," I called, "what does this say?"
He rolled his eyes at me (of course I should have been able to read it).
In his so totally annoyed voice he said, "It says I see London, I see France, I see..."
Of course this is where I stopped him.
It's always nice to see the great things my boys are learning!
Friday, February 27, 2009
What are my kids learning at school?
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 13 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS funnies, Life with the Summerills
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fieldtrip to Xango
Can you believe that someone...or a few someones built an entire company off of a fist size fruit and a funky cool bottle? ...No, I'm not talking Noni, (OK, I give, it's been done before, but still pretty cool huh?!?)
The boys and I took a trip over to the Xango Headquarters in Lehi, UT today. No, don't worry, we didn't stop at a random business and request to be let in. Mark, my hardworking happy hubby, so happens to work there.
1. First I was drawn to the Xango flag, only second in greatness to our national American waving beauty. 2. Then upon entering the building, I couldn't help but notice all the Xango Art Arrangements, and when I say art arrangements I mean Xango spot-lighted in a floating wall of total coolness...not to be misconstrued with over the top, look at me, and remember who you work for type of display...(you get the point)
3. Of, course we were there to eat lunch with my hard workin' hot hubby. As seen below with three of his four seedlings.
4. And then I had quite a bit more fun taking pictures of all the Xango art. These pretty sparkly shiny glassy balls are supposed to be an artistic interpretation of Xango drops....hmmmm, yah ok, whatever...still, pretty cool, and very enticing to look at.

And that concludes our trip to Xango. If you would like me to share an exciting business opportunity to you and a few of your closest friends, and teach you how you can turn hundreds into thousands each month, don't wait to call! (ok, that was totally a joke...)
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 8 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 10 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Ask the Audience
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Brittany and Stephen

Universal Truths by i'm erin. 7 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS my projects, Weddings
Monday, February 23, 2009
THE GREAT SLIM DOWN: in the trenches
What week are we on? Can you believe we started this the beginning of January? If you are anything like me and my attention deficit ways, then I am sure you have had your ups and downs.
For some, this is the easiest time to stay on track...they've already fought past the first few weeks of committing to a making lifestyle changes, and now they are on a roll.
Or, you could be the other end of he stick where every day seems to steam roll you before you are even past this whole healthy lifestyle change a little too daunting?
FEAR NOT! I like to remind myself that each day is a new day...and when that doesn't work, I try other things to pick up my mood.
1. Go on a walk - the best thing to fight the winter blues is to get out side and get moving...even if the sky is cloudy and gray. Just the crisp air and the rush of endorphins can help you get on track.
2. Eat a grapefruit - why? well besides the fact that they taste great...they are packed with fiber. There is nothing like getting the whole 'system' moving to make you feel a little better.
3. Call your buddy - I have a certain buddy that I like to call for motivation when I'm lacking it. Sometimes she is doing just as bad and we commiserate together...and sometimes she has the awesomest pep talk. But, either way, it's always just what I need.
ASK THE AUDIENCE: What do you do to get past a lull? A Plateau? A Down Day...week...month?
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 4 SPLURTS
Friday, February 20, 2009
I just broke rule #1 in harvesting a great friendship with another couple:
Really, I hate to admit it, and hopefully I've never done this with anyone else...if I have, please please forgive and note that it was probably a temporary slide into daily insanity...anyhow, I did it, I am ashamed to admit it, but I did it.
Excuse #1: George and Henry are wild and crazy - reword - My boys are packed with constant positively charged energy. Just finishing off a day of endless writing and editing lectures, the last thing I could sit through was energetic (crazed) play and laughter (running, tormenting, and screaming).
Excuse #2: Ruby was Miss Puke America - reword - poor sweet ruby had an upset tummy and a slight fever. From the minute we arrived at the awesome home of the Slater's, Ruby spewed cottage cheese chunks everywhere...(to the Slater' sorry about that).
Excuse #3: Teddy is a TERROR! - reword - Tenacious Teddy enjoyed a playful evening of taunting their youngest daughter and drenching their floor with root beer.
Excuse #4: REALLY? Do I need another excuse by this point?
Sidenote: If you are the awesome Slater's, please please please forgive us (me) and invite us again, because your pizza rocked my world...If you are other prospective friends, I promise to leave the fun lovin' kids at home if you invite me over!
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 10 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Dear Diary,
Today I am going to a writing conference with my dear friend Peggy, who inadvertently or advertently used my maiden name in her upcoming great novel, hmmm....not sure if I should use her name too (insert evil laugh). I am so excited to go to this writing conference because since I was young, I have always prespired, no I mean, aspired, to write a Young Adult Novel.
I hope today that I will learn much more helpful tips to further the book that I am currently working on....please please please make it more than just a giant load of crap where all the characters have to die in the end because I can't think of anything better.
oh, and Dear Diary, for your eyes only, the theme of my outfit today is 'brown' nosing...I have the cutest brown top on, matched by brown shoes and a darling brown head band.
luv, erin
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 7 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What's GROSSER than GROSS?

Universal Truths by i'm erin. 17 SPLURTS
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Public Service Announcement
Try not to think too much less of me when you watch this You Tube Clip. Mark's boss sent it to him at work...hmm...I wondering what he's trying to say about our kids.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 7 SPLURTS
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Love Love Love
Happy Valentine's Day to you too! I am convinced that Poor St. Valentine actually concocted this day of love because he was having a hard time fighting the winter blues, feeling down in the dumps, and not very lovey dovey at all. So what better way to feel great, than SHARE THE LOVE!
We (Mark and I) spent our Valentine's Sharing the Love with:
-My Mom, and My Boys. We headed over to BYU and took my mom out to lunch. She was a pretty cheap date, only ordering $2 worth of tacos from Taco Bell. In fact, I ended up with the better end of the date when she bought me two new books: Deeper and The Hunger Games While we were at BYU, we had a Love Date with our boys. We took them bowling! I personally hate bowling...I have no talant for it what so ever! But, the boys loved it. Henry sure has my flare when it comes to bowling...
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 6 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A little Twilight TWIST for Valentines
I saw this on my totally awesome friend from Hawaii, Doretha's, Blog...IT IS TOO FUNNY!
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 3 SPLURTS
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Book Reviews
Here I am again, going nuts because I am way to busy, but really, never to busy to read a GREAT book. The other night I read till 2:30am, (and paid for it the next day when I felt like an alcoholic with a killer hang over)
Book 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - This book is for EVERYBODY...well except for the younger kids. This Sci-Fi suspense YA novel will have you on the edge of your seat. Once I dove in I literally couldn't put it down, and I finished it that night. Such an easy read, but so clever. 5 out of 5
Book 2: Sabriel by Garth Nix - To be honest I felt the novel was heavy in description...almost too heavy. It took me a good 100 pages to finally commit, but once I did the novel picked up pace and action. I ended up really sinking into the characters and enjoying this Fantasy YA. Great read if you love Fantasy...if you are not a Fantasy fan yet, then hold off, read something tamer and then jump in. 4 out of 5
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 3 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Book Reviews
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Embarassing Life Moment: #3248
Disclaimer: If you have any ounce of belief left in my parenting skills, or trust that I have any sense of social etiquette, skip this one.

Universal Truths by i'm erin. 11 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS awkward moments, funnies, Life with the Summerills
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Fashion Tips by Ruby
Tip 1: Be Bold
When your fellow co-workers ask, "How are you today?" Your outfit will do the talking for you, "GRRRRRReat!"
Nothing lures in those around you like the bold statement of a striking Leopard print thigh high dress and Baby Ugg boots to match. Remember fellow bloggers, its a jungle out dress for success. (Are you digging on all my puns yet?)
Tip 2: Pretend like whoever is talking to you is the FUNNIEST PERSON ALIVE.
Ruby has this down tight, and I'll tell you, I'm putty in this little vixen's hand. She really knows how to keep your attention and make you feel warm and fuzzy.
Since it's the season of LOVE, go ahead and take a tip from Ruby. Dress like a wild and crazy Cat, and laugh like you've got nothing to loose.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 18 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Ruby Ruby Ruby
Monday, February 09, 2009
Did anyone out there happen to catch last week's episode of THE BIGGEST LOSER? To sum it up, Joelle, (who in real life is probably a very nice woman) spent the entire week moseying around the gym, and making excuses about her obvious decrease in workouts. She ended the week with a 0 pound weight loss, and was then kicked off the ranch with her not-so-best friend.
I sat on my couch, eating popcorn, and booing Joelle for her lack of ownership in the 0 pound weight loss fiasco. Come on Joelle? Are you really that surprised you didn't lose anything? You practically couldn't get of your rear the entire week.
EPIPHANY: And then it hit me...uh, what exactly had I been doing all week? My kids were sick, I was about to get sick any day so of course I couldn't work out. And tomorrow, when I go to weigh in at my friendly WW meeting, I'm probably going to be the spittin' image of Joelle living in her alternate reality bubble...UGH!
WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING? (right now, is when we all sit back and realize making excuses never helps us get anywhere...then some of you click off my blog because your happy excuse making...and the rest read on, maybe a little hopeful) Today is the day to take some ownership.
Mark's always hating on me because I love to say, "You either do it or you don't...there is no TRY." So, to be blunt, I didn't do it last week. I dropped the ball on my own GREAT SLIM DOWN. But, no worries, I'm no depressed blob of sucked out motivation...NO WAY, today I'm owning up to my slack off week and I'm getting right back on it.
REALITY CHECK: OWN IT! Own up to the success you've had or the failure...then move on, and DO better.
Fit tip of the week: For an at home kick butt workout, you could do this
Or for a little bit of money, buy P90X.
P90X is the best at home workout you can buy. Because there are quite a few different 1 hour - 90 minute workouts that come in the package, you almost never hit boredom. Also, the workouts are pretty intense, so you can knock down the intensity level to something you can manage, and as you increase strength, you'll have something to work to.
Get on it, work it out at home and OWN IT! (This blog is in no way affiliated with p90x...I'm just an X junkie)
ASK THE AUDIENCE: What have you been up to? Are you doing it or not? ohhh, and by the way, I loved all the tips people gave last week. Post a physical activity tip this week to help me beat the winter blahs.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 8 SPLURTS
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
What I would do if...
Questions emailed to me over the last week:
1. What would you do if you were having triplets?
DIE, then cry cry cry...
2. If you are stuck at home and can't make it to the gym, what do you do?
hmmmm...since I was stuck at home all week (my 2 older boys were puke factories), on Monday and Wednesday night I worked out in the evening at the gym after Mark, my hardworking hubby, got home from work.
On the other days I did ABSOLUTELY nothing...I certianly didn't follow my on advice that I posted a year ago in this post. Normally when stuck at home, I do try to shake my tail feather just a bit to burn a few calories, but this week I was a total DEBBIE DOWNER...(and really? is that clip fo' real?).
3. What Multivitamin do you suggest?
If you can gag one down, always finish out your prenatal prescription. When that is done with, I go for the Women's One a Day Multi-Vitamin that is sold at Costco. I have found it to be a well balanced Vitamin, containing all the essential minerals and vitamins a woman's body needs. (hmmm...does this sound eerily like a product promotion?)
4. Are your photography classes for real?
No, it's just a great big joke to round up all potential photographers, lure them into a room, and laugh heartily at their out of focus, cut off heads and feet, horrid pictures.
5. Are you jealous your sister is having triplets?
NO WAY...maybe a little at the fact that she can pretty much eat whatever she wants for the next 5 months. (Tip to women having triplets: Take vanilla bean ice cream, crush oreos into it, add a handful of broken kit kats, fresh raspberries, and then top it with caramel.)
6. Do you take METH?
Does that really mean am I on a strong anti-depressant and thyroid medication? FO' SURE!
If you have a question you would like to have answered, email me or post it and I will do my best.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 11 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Photography Classes for March

· PHOTO MAMA - This is a basic photography class for photographers wanting to get out of the “sissy settings” (aka automatic). This class will cover techniques for the every day photographer who would like to improve his/her art. In this class we will cover the 'what to do when'. We will learn aperture settings, shutter settings and manual. How to use each setting and when to use it. This class will cover ISO, basic enhancement editing, RAW vs. JPEG, white balance, Exposure Locking, Flash techniques, PC/MAC organization of PHOTO files, and creating studio style pictures in your own home. Although the class is coined 'PHOTO MAMA' it is the best overall class for the everyday photographer who wants to enhance his/her shots. This class will have 4 sessions, with Q and A, and hands on practice during each session. If you simply don’t want to go Pro, but want to capture your kids doing what they do best, this class is for you!
Instructors:Tonja Merryweather of Twisted Label Photography
Erin Summerill of Erin Summerill Photography
What do I need?
The basic requirement is a camera that has the capacity to set aperture and shutter speed manually. However, if you have a digital SLR that would rock! Bring a notepad and pen, and come prepared with questions you want to have answered.
Where and When can I jump on board?
Classes will be held in North Orem, UT, with the exception of the bonus shooting workshop.
· PHOTO 101 The first session starts March 11th at 6:00pm. The March Session has 3 classes (Mar. 11, Mar. 18, Mar. 25) and a bonus shooting workshop (Mar. 21 at 9:30am). The shooting workshop will be held at an on-site location and will be announced during the class.
· PHOTO MAMA The first session starts March 11th at 7:30pm. The March Session has 3 classes (Mar. 11, Mar. 18, Mar. 25) and a bonus shooting workshop (Mar. 21 at 11:30am). The shooting workshop will be held at an on-site location and will be announced during the class.
What is the cost?
Tuition for PHOTO 101, or PHOTO MAMA is $95. A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due at the time you sign up for the class to retain your seat. The remainder of the amount is due one week before class begins. In order to give you a more in-depth experience we have decided to keep the class size to 15 seats. Only 15 students may register for each class, so sign up today.
Where do I SIGN UP? Email erinsummerill(at) to reserve your place
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 10 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS classes
Monday, February 02, 2009
Monday's Fit Tip Mania: Recipes
I opened the fridge today and my eyes glazed over as I scanned the left over contents from our baby blessing lunchon - all items that are not 'health' conscience. What to do? I opened cupboards and looked in drawers for something to snack on and felt the pressure of all those little goodies stacked away calling out my name. "Youhoo! Erin, come EAT me...I taste sooooooooo good!" Agghhhhh you fiendish, health destroying, savory, scrumptious snacks. Leave me alone...which of course I couldn't leave them alone. (hmmm...thought to myself, Am I really the one handing out fit tips?) Today's fit tip is for you.
ASK THE AUDIENCE: Got any healthy snack ideas or recipes...Please PLEASE PLEASE share.
need your help. Luv, erin
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 14 SPLURTS
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Universal Truths by i'm erin. 19 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Babies, Life with the Summerills
hmmmm...IT'S KILLING ME!
Has anyone ever told you anything and then asked you not to tell anyone? A secret so great that you feel you might burst from the intensity/overwhelming wierd greatness of it? AAAGHHHH!
tap, tap, tap, tap TAPPING (cant sit still...need to tell)
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 5 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Ask the Audience