I am sitting in the family room of my parent's home, finishing off my second diet Pepsi and the last 1/4 of cheese ball, wiping my mouth of Ritz crumbs and scanning the room for New Year's Eve sweet and salty left overs. In a food crazed daze, a fleeting thought passed through my consciousness like a kite trying to stay afloat on a windless day. I thought to myself, "I always write New Years Goals, and they seem to be so specific to things I want to do, places I want to go and to do's I need to check off my list." I am not sure if I do this because I see so many others dutifully creating their New Year's Resolutions or if I have simply acquired this yearly action to keep my life in check. Either way, as I sat, enjoying my wild, and sometimes beastly boys, caring husband, and Internet wise mother, my kite of thought plummeted and I was struck with an epiphany, a certain clarity of conscious thought. This year there will be no "To do's" and no "must see or accomplish" items to check off. This year instead of moving my physical body around from place to place and from event to event to check off an ego satisfying list of tasks, I decided to make my list about what I want to grow as a person and be a better member of my family, my society, my life, and the world I live in.
...my husband will know everyday that I love him, even when I disagree with him, I still adore him, love him and devote my life to him and our marriage.
...I want to be the positive light and support for my husband when he is feeling down.
...my boys will know that reading with Mommy is so much more fun than watching movie after movie.
...I want to immerse myself in the crazy, wild, laughter filled lives of my three adoring boys and not get frustrated with the boys wrecking my just cleaned home and pristinely made beds.
...my friends to always feel welcomed and loved when they are by me and know that I cherish them.
...I want to serve my friends in times of need, or simply when they want to remodel, tear down, or re-create their homes, or when they feel a photo shoot feverish desire.
...those in need to know that If I can, I will do what I can to help, serve, and provide for them.
...I want to fulfill my callings in life to the fullest so that I know, others know, and most importantly, my Heavenly Father knows, I can be counted on to answer the call to serve.
...my family will know that they can depend on me for help, support, love and laughter.
...I want to take care of myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually so everything I desire this year, I can have the ability to achieve...
...most importantly, I want to always remember that everyday I need to have unmovable faith in my Savior and my Heavenly Father to achieve all that I want above.
So much for goals, this is a new year, I am a new me...with lots of older me experience...and I challenge you to decide what you want this year and set forth on that path!!!