Friday, January 11, 2008


Today is FRIDAY!!! Who doesn't love a Friday? The pressure of the work week has subsided. You can sit back and relax a little, spend time thinking about what you're going to do over the weekend. If you live in Hawaii you can leave work at three...hahahahaha...

I love today because:

1. I woke up

2. I have two legs to walk up the mountain today

3. I have a sore rear end from yesterday's walk up the mountain

4. I have two arms to pick up my teddy when he is destroying my organized cupboards

5. my 'big' boys, who woke up before me, were making their beds when I went in their room!

6. I have a home I love because it is sparkly (mostly my counter tops, nonetheless, SPARKLY)

7. there is a huge pine tree outside of my office window, where an obese blue bird perches and squawks at all the other minion birds
8. there was a hilarious, yet uplifting email waiting for me this morning in my inbox.

9. my middle son cleaned, scoured, and organized his bedroom for...AN ERASER!

10. my camera works and is waiting for me to point and shoot.

11. my shadow dog follows me around too closely that he bangs into me if I stop too fast

12. I have great yummy chicken long rice left-overs in the fridge to devour

13. I don't have to shower today if I don't want to.

14. I think my pregnant friend will finally give birth today...thus I can have newborn pics!

15. I thought I was out of minutes on my cell phone, keeping each call very brief, only to find out I had 600 more minutes of ROLLOVER!

It is a fabulous, fantastic, sometimes freaky Friday, so you tell me what you are grateful for...


Just SO said...

Those are some wonderful things to be grateful for. That's an amazing shot of the Blue jay!

I'm grateful to have a great walking buddy who will understand when I back out on her today to go on an early date with my hubby ;)

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

LOVE your blog!!!! I'm glad I found it. yesterday was a super lame day. I wanted to watch a movie with Christian since we spend pretty much every night just studying we decided to take a break. The movie was awful!!!! Made me so sad that we wasted our precious time, aghhhh. But I likes reading your list. I need to be grateful for the little things.

Shelby said...

Your pregnant friend did not give birth--but hey, 14 out of 15 is not bad!!

Nikki said...

I am grateful my period started. I was beginning to wonder. Ham is 8 months old tomorrow.

I am grateful I finally have the calm I've been searching for in preparation of teaching my first Relief Society lesson EVER.

I'm grateful for temps above zero. I'm grateful that I got to see my dear friend as she was passing through for training.

I'm grateful that it's bedtime for the kids.