This yummy awesome bloggy is doing a give away for something so mouth-watering, I couldn't resist sharing.
Check out:
Fahrenheit 350°: Recommending: Stràw bërri
Saturday, January 30, 2010
WAnnA be a Winner?
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 2 SPLURTS
Friday, January 29, 2010
Baking 101: Cinnamon Rolls
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 13 SPLURTS
Free Scrapbook Photography Class
Want to hang out for 30 minutes and talk photography? Bring any question and I'll answer it. Tonight at the Pleasant Grove Rec Center Scrapbook Sleepover, I'll be presenting the top 10 tips for shooting family candids. The class is free, if you register for the scrap night. Plus, there are lots of give aways. Also, class gift certificates will be 10% off tonight only.
Where: Pleasant Grove Rec Center
When: Tonight, Friday 7:30pm
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Weird. There is no other word for it.
Last night I read Keeping the Moon, by Sarah Dessen.
I think it was good. See, the thing of it is (notice my usage of this wonderful Utah-ism) when I got to chapter 7, I kept reading. Sure I know that's not wierd. At least, it wasn't until I got to chapter 7 again.
Say What? (That's what you're saying) I read up til chapter 11 and halfway through it I realized that I was reading the same thing I read in chapter 7. At first I thought, is this some weird alternate reality book? But then I distinctly remembered it being in the Teen Romance genre. So, the only weirdness should come from the main character, or the typical mean girl, or the awkward boy. Right?
Quickly, I flipped through the book and realized two things:
1. Chapters 7,8,9 were printed twice and inserted in the book where three other missing chapters should have been.
2. There was no chapters 4, 5, 6 because they were the missing chapters.
What did I do? Kept on reading. By the end of the story, there was one sub-plot that didn't make sense, but other that, I think I got it. So, as I was saying earlier, I think it was good.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 8 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Rambling Again
Monday, January 25, 2010
Positive Affirmation: I'm good enough, smart enough, and dog-gone-it . . .
See, this is why I love photography. I love how it captures emotion.
I'm not one of those photographers who takes perfect poses in perfect soft studio lighting where the subjects are all perfectly propped and prepared for the camera (holy P-alliteration Batman!). I've never been good at that. There are other people out there that blow me out of the water. Sometimes, I'll get down on myself a little about this one fact. Why can't I be more of a 'non-candid' photographer?
Well, I guess I'm saying, today, because I found this shot of Shaylee, I've decided I'm ok with the chaotic way I have of taking pictures. Where what I want to turn out doesn't and everything I thought wouldn't turn out...well blows my mind!
Today, I'm ok just being me.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 11 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Rambling Again
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Rob and Karly: Utah Wedding Photography
I love suprises. And today I had the BEST one ever.
To be honest, when Rob, Karly, Me and Jaime (thank's Jaime for assisting) went to the SLC library to shoot engagement shots, I was a little bummed. Not because I was shooting the coolest couple ever, but because the weather was BAD. Not just overcast, but death-gray overcast without an ounce of good sunlight. Which translates too--bad ambient light. Which means--bad pictures. We shot for about an hour, and I tried my best to capture their fun-loving-ness, but frankly, when we left the shoot I figured I'd be calling them in a week and suggesting we shoot again. (This is something that has only happened to me once before in my entire shooting obviously I was bummed.) Anyway, I just pulled the images off my card, and HOLY MOLY! I was suprised.
They Rock. Rob and Karly Rock. The images Rock.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 37 SPLURTS
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The thing of it is...
A older grandpa-ish man in my neighborhood always starts his sentences with that, and I love it. But in a time like this, it starts my sentence perfectly.
The thing of it is, I don't like it when the chocolate in my cupboard speaks to me. "Erin, I'm in here, waiting for you. Come and eat me. Oh la la, baby. You know I taste like creamy, rich goodness. No one will know. Just one bite . . ."
And on, and on, and on.
But I know it's not just one bite. Yet still I'm drawn to it and then two days of chocolate bingeing later, I feel like a giant slug and my pants don't fit.
Know what I'm talking about?
Since a few friends and I just started a Fitness competition, I'll be danged (another lovely Utah-ism) if I don't get over this food talking issue.
Suggestions? Oh please, tell me what you do.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 13 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Ask the Audience
Monday, January 18, 2010
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 11 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My Bear
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 5 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Jackson--the reason for two posts in one day.
And so I figured, well, since it's my second post of the day maybe just one more indulgence, like this:
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 15 SPLURTS
cookies,fish heads, and poop
The other day as I plopped chocolate-chip-oatmeal cookie dough down on the baking sheet, George asked if he could have some. Eww. Of course I said no way. There's, like, raw eggs in it. That's gross.
George argued otherwise. "It's not bad, mom. You wanna know what's sick. In my class we learned that people eat fish heads. That's gross, mom." He nodded to Henry as if making is point clear. "Cookie dough is not gross."
"Eww. Fish heads." Henry rolled his eyes.
"Hey," I said. "Some people think fish heads are good."
"Do you think fish heads are good?" George looked at me in horror and tried to sneak some dough.
I swatted his hand. "Well, no, but I'm sure we're probably related to someone who does. We do have the Polynesian and Asian thing going. So don't talk bad about eating fish heads, maybe you'd like them."
Henry drew back and wrinkled his nose. "Eating fish heads is grosser than eating Poop!"
To that comment, George erupted in laughter.
"Sick." I scooped out two more spoonfuls of dough. "Don't talk like that. Besides you can't eat poop."
"Well you can't eat fish heads either." George pointed at the dough. "So can I have some cookie dough?"
"No." That was to the cookie dough. "But, that's not true. You can eat fish heads. You won't die if you do."
"Well, I'll never eat a fish head." Henry said. "Cause I'm sure I would too die."
George turned to him. "Yeah, we'd rather eat Poop than a fish head."
"You Can't Eat Poop." Ugh. I was seriously exasperated with the conversation already.
"Well you can't eat fish heads." Henry said, hands on hips. Dang that kid is so sassy.
"Yes you can!"
Let me end this conversation now. The poop versus fish heads went on for at least another ten minutes as I tried to explain the diseases you could get from eating poop and why poop is not meant for eating anyway because it's waste from our body. Needless to say, the boys talked so long about poop and fish heads that they never got their nasty raw-egg cookie dough because by the time they were done arguing with me, the cookies were done.
There you have it, Cookie dough, fish heads and poop = GROSS!
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 9 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills