Last night the 101 Photography class shot these two beautiful models: Shelby and Sherelle. The class had a great time practicing all their newly acquired photography skills on these girls. While I was teaching, I snapped these two shots. I love them!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Shelby. Sherelle.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 3 SPLURTS
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How I robbed my friend.
You see, it all started with a plate of Lemon Lust--divine, melt-in-your-mouth, Lemon bars. A wonderful recipe my dear friends, Tammy and Kellie, gave me last year. I thought I'd try the recipe for my dad's 60th birthday and then with the half of the pan we didn't eat, of course I had to take pictures. As I shot the bars, I figured it would only be prudent and friendly of me to share a plate of these with Tammy, the originator of the recipe. Forgoing a bra or even changing out of my sweats, I plunked my camera down, grabbed the plate, and hauled over to Tammy's home to deliver the sweet treats.
Tammy invited me in...or I barged in (that's never a clear fact when remembering these type of meetings with friends)...and then I handed over my plate of Lemon Lust. "OH, my dear Erin" she said. "Why, thank you." (well to be honest, that's probably not exactly what she said, but as I replay the memory in my mind the Gone-with-the-wind type vernacular suits her)
Then Tammy turned to me and offered a trade. A trade? Of course I am always in for a good deal. My ears perked up and I followed her deeper into the home. Where there she presented me with something spectacular. Marvelous. Mouthwatering...but not edible. Something I'd drooled over (but not on) just a couple weeks earlier. I coveted it. I desired it. I even toyed with the idea of taking a photography break to make one of my own. Do you know what I'm talking about yet?
The woman handed me a QUILT! Seriously. I was like No freaking way!!! This is the exact quilt that I offered to buy off her just weeks earlier.
Now what was that trade again?
Tammy named the trade, and my jaw dropped to the floor. Not because I would be giving up a whole lot. But because she was giving me a QUILT, for the little I would be giving her.
Well what did I do? Of course, I made out like a bandit and robbed my friend of this quilt. Do I feel a bit guilty? Sure. Am I going to give back the QUILT? Um...if I say no will you think less of me?
There you have it.
Tammy, thank you from the bottom of my cold heart for the most beautiful quilt in the world. Which as I even write this I realize I have not robbed you once for the most beautiful quilt in the world, but 3 more times.
Thank you again for the three quilts you have given me, and the most wonderful valentine's table runner. I am most certain that I will never be able to repay you, but I will do my best to keep my end of the deal ten times over!
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 10 SPLURTS
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Newton Family: Utah Family Photographer
Hey Newton Family, thanks for the fun shooting. Here's a little sneak peek...well lets be honest, it's a little bigger than little because I loved your shots so much I just kept up the editing. I loved the candids, so that's mostly what I posted as your sneak peek. You were a blast.
luv, erin
Oh, and p.s., this first one is my FAVORITE!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Korbie, One Of A Kind: Utah Bridal Photography
When Korbie called me, her original photographer had to cancel. Dang. But, as always, good for me. She told me what she wanted and I was certainly up for a change. As soon as I met Corby, I was near giddy with excitement. She is unique. Individual. And style to the hilt.
Love IT!
So, last night when I saw her in her full wedding gown, I was near speechless. What an amazing bride.
Hey Korbie, here's your sneak peek from last night's shoot. You rocked my world!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
You'll be Proud of Me
If you know me, you know that I love to try all the new restaurants out there. In fact, I don't think I've eaten at the same place twice.
Let's be honest about this folks, I have three favorites. Count Em' THREE:
1. The OG (Olive Garden)
2. Macaroni Grill
3. Los Hermanos
Why you ask? Simply because I know what I'm going to get in return. I know that when I fork over my fifteen dollars, I'll get back a dish (the same one I always order at each place) that will make my rumbling tummy happy and warm. A few years back when we moved to Hawaii, I went through a mini restaurant depression because I couldn't have my favorites. I was forced to go out and try new things and places. Did that help me grow as a food taster? HECK NO. The day we moved back from Hawaii I ran, skipped, hopped and jumped my way down to the OG. Thank the good Lord for warm bread sticks and all you can eat salad.
Over the years I've been badgered by friends who don't quite see the same way I do. (Quacks) But, after much heckling and nay-saying, I've taken the leap. I went with some friends to Terra Mia in Orem and FELL IN LOVE. The gelato sang my name in a melodious soprano that's still calling out to me. Sigh. It was divine.
So now, If you want to go out to dinner, you have four restaurants to choose from. Count Em' FOUR:
1. Terra Mia
2. The OG
3. Macaroni Grill
4. Los Hermanos

Universal Truths by i'm erin. 14 SPLURTS
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Ockey Family: Utah Family Photography
Holy three posts in one day BATMAN! Sorry bloggers for the overload, but today is my fall cleaning day...or at least it seems like it. If you missed my earlier post I put up some Urban shots of my favorite model: ASENATH. Or if you're in the mood to take Fall shots and you don't have a lot of cash to burn, check out my

Universal Truths by i'm erin. 2 SPLURTS
Right now I'm booking mini-sessions for November. If you've wanted professional pictures but haven't wanted to drop some serious change, than this option is for you.
30-45 minutes of photography
Candid Shots
10 images of your choice off the online gallery
*if you want more than 10 images, you may purchase additional images at $10 each
DVD of high resolution images that you've chosen
To book now, email me at:
November 6: Provo Orchards - Near 7 Peaks
5:30 pm
6:15 pm
November 7: Lehi at Osmond Design
5:30 - Filled
November 13: Pleasant Grove at the Barn
November 14: Salt Lake City - Downtown
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 5 SPLURTS
Target Practice
This last weekend I thought I'd run up to Salt Lake and scout some new shooting locations. I'm always on the lookout for texture, patterns and simply a great feel to a location. With my super awesome willing model--Asenath, and another great Photog friend--Loni, we ran up to Salt Lake and shot with only a 1/2 hour of good daylight left. I loved the urban feel of these shots and the great pop of color I found in the crazy orange wall. I definitely will travel up here again. If you're a photog and you're on the look out, this is just off of the 4th south exit in Salt Lake City. Happy Shooting!
If you've found a great location you want to share with me PLEASE, leave the address on my blog! Thanks a bunch, erin.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 4 SPLURTS
Monday, September 21, 2009
Photography Contest!
For all you photographers out there, my friends over at Prodigital Photos in Pleasant Grove have started a monthly photo contest. Entering contests is an excellent way to hone your photography skills. It challenges you to see details in otherwise bland spaces.
This month the theme of the contest is "Water". Dig through your water shots from this summer or go out and take some new ones, and email them to:
or check out the Prodigital Blog at:
The contest ends on Friday. Make sure you email a picture before then.
Good Luck! You Can Do It.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 2 SPLURTS
Friday, September 18, 2009
Week in Review
1. Dealt with the Toilet Fiasco --see post below.
2. Was late to Photo 101 because I had two shoots before it.
3. Taught Photoshop Basics and talked so much it went 40 minutes over...sorry super friendly class.
4. Realized I wasn't prepared for a Lighting Workshop and scrambled to get models.
Meet Emily and Nick. Emily loves Nick and Nick loves Emily.
And I, LOVE them for being my last minute models. Thanks a lot you guys for helping out at the lighting workshop.
5. On the Agenda for Tonight:
A. Bake Sale for my kid's school. If you're in the Pleasant Grove area and you want to support my sad Bake Sale attempt, drive down to the Grovecrest Fall Carnival and come say hi.
B. Pleasant Grove Homecoming Game. Go PG Vikings. I am blue through and through...obviously. I mean, I moved back to the same town I went to high school in, and I live a mere block from my parents. Sigh. I think I can dig up a old jersey from some former boyfriend. Maybe I'll be wearing that tonight!!!
What will you be wearing tonight?
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 6 SPLURTS
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
For which I would shower twice in one day.
Yesterday I went to the bathroom. Sparing no details, I assure you it was number one. Simple and easy for the toilet to digest.
Or so I thought.
I flushed. Instead of the contents being pulled away into the septic oblivion, the water level in my toilet rose. I watched with growing anxiety as the murky water inched up the porcelain bowl. Oh no. We all know what that means. Time to pull out the plunger. Now, on a side note, I hate plunging . . . I abhor it. I'm not even ashamed to admit that on occasion I've left the plugged toilet for Mark to take care of, while I acted innocent to the cause. So, needless to say, seeing the speed at which the water was rising, I felt it necessary to do the deed. Plunge.
I plunged. Nothing happened. The water level stayed the same. So I plunged again and again and again. Finally after the fifth plunging I decided, whatever, this one wants to wait for Mark. I left the plunger in the toilet and walked away.
I showered. Forgetting all about the toilet woes, I cleaned off my morning aerobic's sweat. Afterwards I fed Teddy, hung out for awhile and talked about the lego ship he made, and watched a little Scooby Do. About halfway through the show my eye lids started to droop. Oh, I thought. Perfect time to take a 20 minute nap. Letting Teddy finish his show alone, I crept into my bedroom to sleep.
I laid down. A trickling sound echoed out from the bathroom. I sat bolt upright. What the?!? I hurried into the bathroom, skidding to a stop. That darn-devil-toilet was leaking who knows what all over my bathroom floor. Clearly at this point, I couldn't wait for Mark to come home and plunge. NO, it was up to me.
I plunged. I plunged so hard that I figured the toilet would suck down all the pee-water and what was now coating my floor. Boy was I wrong.
The toilet exploded! It geysered. It erupted like Mt. St. Helens. An unrelenting torrent of pee water shot out of the toilet at me coating my clean body.
I freaked.
I screamed.
I called Mark.
oh, and then I had the notion to pull out towels before filthy stinkin' pee water destroyed my upstairs and downstairs.
Needless to say, Mark came home, saved the day, de-clogged the toilet, and even did the wash. Way to go babe! You rock my Pee soaked world.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 17 SPLURTS
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday's Fit Tip Mania
Normally this time of year rolls around, and I get caught up in the hubbub of fall parties for my kids at school, snagging a few bags of Halloween candy and munching on them, and pulling out all my 'winter' recipes. And when I say 'winter' I really mean recipes loaded with creamy fatty goodness.
Fall for me is a love hate relationship. I love all the celebrations, but I HATE the weight gain. So, what do I do?
Well, in the past I've tried everything from limiting myself to eating treats only on the weekends, or writing down everything I eat. Both have worked, but sometimes they've also made me a little cranky. I recently was talking to a friend who has been successful in losing quite a bit of weight. She mentioned that she eats a little of what she wants and then puts it away. Nothing's on the No list. She just leaves it at that, just a little.
hmm, interesting. Can I do that? We'll see. I think I'll try it out this week and let you know.
Ask the Audience: What do you do to around the holidays? Feast or famine?
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 3 SPLURTS
Friday, September 11, 2009
Proud to Be.
Mark and I had only been married for a couple years, when we moved into a quaint two bedroom condo in Orem. I finally felt . . . oh, I don't know. Grown up?
So when my good friend, Diana, whom I'd known since college, called and asked if she could stay, I was thrilled. I wanted to show off my cute apartment, my newborn baby, and my happy (uh, most of the time) married life. I wanted her to see how mature I was.
On the second morning of Diana's stay, I rolled out of bed and tip-toed through the house, leaving to go to Aerobics. I didn't want to wake my house guest. When I arrived at the gym I immediately knew something wasn't right. Employees and members stood around. Unmoving. Not working out. Doing nothing but staring at the big screen tv in the lobby.
I walked in, with a peppy smile, wanting to joke about whose funeral it was. Before the words could leave my mouth, my smile faded. One of the twin towers, shrouded in smoke, had a plane sticking out of it. A Plane!
My mind reeled to make sense of the confusion on the reporters' faces, the fear in the New Yorkers' faces and the shock on the faces of those around me.
Right then and there, I realized what a small part of the world I am. How at any moment, something beyond my control could take away my life, my freedom. I'll never forget that day as long as I live. I'll never forget the pain I felt for those who died. And I'll never forget the swell of emotion I felt when President Bush addressed the nation.
I'm Proud to Be an American. And nobody, can take that away from me.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 2 SPLURTS
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Dang You Pepsi.
So, the whole frog in the Pepsi thing freaked me out. Hard core. I cant drink a Pepsi, let alone even look at the can. Everytime I fathom the idea of popping open a can a swigging down the Pepsi-goodness, I GAG. Seriously.
The other day there were 6 cans in my fridge and I couldn't make dinner because they were staring me in the face with their grossness. Mark threw them away. I was glad.
I thought, This is good. Now I can break my habit.
It turns out, my poor kiddos don't agree. Yesterday when we were driving in the car...and, um, yes I was slightly cranky...Teddy, my two year old, said, "Momma we need a Harts drink."
I laughed. Apparently so.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 14 SPLURTS
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Photoshop or Lighting Workshop
Hi guys!
I'm just sending a shout out to let you know I just posted one more session for Photoshop. It is a two class session. This will be the last session I offer until later in the fall because I will be out of town for much of October. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please check out my class blog:
Also, I have a few extra spaces in my Lighting Workshop that I am offering next week Wednesday. If you'd like to take a photography workshop on outdoor lighting, email me at
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 0 SPLURTS
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
LABOR day.
I'll tell you what, when Mark said, "Let's go to Stewart Falls today. It's a nice hike." I certainly wasn't thinking, It's a nice, kick-your-butt, make-you-sweat, exhaust-every-muscle, type of hike. Boy was I wrong. After hauling Ruby and Teddy on our backs, carrying the backpack of food and water, and keeping one hand free to carefully cradle my Death-Con 700 (my camera), I was beat.
Dead Tired.
But, like all good workouts, it was fun. George and Henry kept the sweat-drenching pace and we made it up the mountain and back in less than 2 hours. And that included a 30 minute stop at the falls. The kids played in the water, I tried, unsuccessfully to take a shot without one of the other million hikers blocking my shot (Holy Cow there were a lot of people out hiking yesterday) and Mark showered in the falls. Overall, it was awesome to see the kids challenge themselves that way. By the end, they were tired and a wee bit cranky, but I think they enjoyed the experience.
Me and the Rascals. Mark taking his turn with two.
My three sons taking a break.
The sweet hubby helping to put shoes back on the water rats (my kids)
My one and only mediocre shot of Stewart Falls.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 9 SPLURTS
Saturday, September 05, 2009
A miracle.
I've known Kristine since just after Henry, my second oldest, was born. Since that time, I have also known of her desire to be a mother. Over the years I have watched her and Andrew endure countless trials on the road to becoming parents. And heartbreakingly so, years have passed without the pitter-patter of little feet filling their home. - A sound I take for granted everyday.
That is, until now! Just a few days ago, Kristine and Andrew were blessed with the miricle of a baby girl. A wonderful young woman gave her baby up for adoption to Kristine and Andrew. It touches my heart to see the gift of life given from one person to another. To the sweet, wonderful, birth mother of Aria, I want to say Thank You!
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 14 SPLURTS