I laughed and laughed some more when I watched this. Watch the whole thing...it is great!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Worst Parenting EVER!
"Mark, I don't want to leave my purse in the stroller parking, so can you grab Teddy while I dig my purse out from all the stuff shoved into the bottom of the stroller?" I persisted.
"Why do you keep asking me that?!? Don't worry, we won't leave one of the boys behind."
I could tell my constant worry and nagging was starting to bother Mark, but in a place as vast and open for child napping as Disneyland, I couldn't help but worry. There are, what seems to be, millions of kids running this way and that, pointing excitedly at the next ride or rushing toward the already crowded Mickey standing on the corner with a hundred kids pushing and shoving in line for that infamous photo. Any awestruck child could easily be separated from his family and within seconds be out of earshot and eyesight! This thought of horror rang though me like an off tune chord. Like any mother, I dreaded the thought of losing one of my children.
I took special precautions to ward off one of my children getting lost in the crowd. Days before we left for Disneyland, I purchased flaming bright red shirts in coordinating sizes to each of my 3 boys and green sweat shorts...sure, they looked like miniature walking Christmas trees, but I would be sure to see those trees being taken or slipping away into the crowd. Each of my boys was also attired with matching sunglasses and a green ball cap. From their comfortable walking sandals to their Holiday screaming attire, these boys had the Summerill stamp. NO WAY would I lose one of them at Disneyland.
As the day wore on, and our feet tired, our run from ride to ride changed to a slow walk. The sun was slowly setting in the California haze and the magical paved roads of Disneyland glistened with a magical gold glow. I felt so happy to be sharing such a joyous time with my family and parents...did I forget to mention that my dear mom was our 'fast' ticket to all the rides. Unfortunately for her, she is handicapped by her aching, hurting, muscle confused feet; so as she putted along in her electric wheelchair, we toted behind to jump the long lines. We saved Autopia (the lawn mower engine, car ride) for last because there wasn't a short line for handicap access. For this ride, she would have to wait in line like everyone else. When the sun started to lower in the sky, and we had exhausted ourselves on nearly every other ride in the park, we made our way to Autopia.
I could see that even though the day had worn on, the line had not shrunk at all. I noticed many others also making their way towards the entrance of the ride. We were not going to be spared a long line at all, so I quickly maneuvered the stroller into the family friendly stroller parking.
"Mark, grab Teddy while I grab my purse, ok?!?" Mark rolled his eyes at me, obviously he was as tired of my reminder as my feet were of walking through Disneyland. I dug through the contents of the stroller, double checking that I had my purse and any other valuables in hand. My dad, mom and boys headed toward the ride, and I rushed over with my purse firmly secured. Next to having one of my boys taken, my next biggest fear was losing my purse. I clutched it close to my body and ran up the ramp.
It had been years since I had been on this ride, and I couldn't help but notice the changes they had made. Now to line up for the cars, you had to walk up a long ramp, cross a bridge over the race course and weave through a maze of bars and chains designed to keep long lines in order. As we neared the top of the long ramp, my Dad leaned over and asked, "Where's Teddy?"
"With Mark." I uttered without a second thought.
"Mark's right here." Dad said.
I looked over at Mark, then back to my dad then back to Mark. At first I felt confused as I scanned the ramp around us, and then horror filled my eyes as I looked over Mark's shoulder, down to the end of the ramp to the stroller parking. As I squinted my eyes to scan the area at least 25 yards away, I could see two tiny kicking legs in bright green shorts passing their time IN THE STROLLER!
I bolted down the ramp. Mark bolted down the ramp, passing me. Dad stayed and slowly shook his head in fatherly disappointed shock.
Luckily no harm had come to our 18 month old toddler as he playfully kicked his legs back and forth in the stroller waiting for his parents to remember him. Mark apparently mistook my extra long acquisition of my purse, for me grabbing my purse and Teddy. He thought I must have been grabbing him, and took the other boys up the ramp to secure our place in line. I fought the urge to yell, I told you so, and continued to enjoy myself and the ride. Needless to say, I kept my eye on Teddy for the rest of the evening, and Mark didn't complain once more about my friendly 'reminders'.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 13 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Friday, May 16, 2008
UPDATE: Picture Taking Bonanza and What is To Come

Monday, May 12, 2008
How was Mother's Day for you?
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 6 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Friday, May 09, 2008
*on a side note, if you have been wondering where I have been, see the posts below*
Need a great way to jump start your weekend? Follow these Five Fabulous tips for Friday to kick your Fitness plan into weekend shape!
1. Feel the Weekend Breeze. Get out there and take a sunset walk tonight. Not only will you love the fresh smell of spring's outdoors, but you will rev up your calorie burning system to help beat the weekend bulge.
2. Eat PANCAKES! Hooray for wholewheat healthy pancakes. Here is a recipe I have developed to help me through those weekends where the kids want piles of pancakes loaded with syrup. I make these healthy pancakes, and the kids are always asking for more! Click the link below to find out about this rockin' recipe!
3. Go Yardsaling. The best way to not munch, graze or snack all day is to get busy. When I have my sights on yardsaling, nothing else can detract from that laser beam of thought. Save some money, and save a few calories too!
4. Buy Shoes...ok, maybe this tip wont appeal to you, but it certainly works for me. How does a new outfit make you feel? Great! I love the way a new pair of shoes hug my worn out feet and transform me from tired haggard housewife to 'EAT YOUR HEART OUT EVERYONE ELSE...BUT ERIN'. When you feel good about yourself you tend to make better choices for yourself too, but more importantly, you will be busy shopping all day that you wont have time to raid the fridge 20 times a day...and you will get the mall walking workout!
5. Beautify your Yard...No one likes to call this yard work, but come on, Spring has sprung and your yard is begging for a good weeding, planting and fertilizing. Not only will you be in the running for the city yard beautification award, but you will be burning calories!
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 2 SPLURTS
We went to CALIFORNIA!
I took a last minute trip to California to see family. My mom was going and I decided to go along...and I took my boys...and then Mark decided to come along too. We left last week and returned this week. While we were there we had a great time visiting family. Here is my mom with her sister...don't they look alike? (I am not just talking about the white hair) I haven't seen my cousin Amy since her wedding 8 years ago (?). I was so excited to see her beautiful family. These girls are just gorgeous and Amy is expecting a third baby in one month!
At my aunt's house we had a great time taking turns on her riding lawn mower and checking out the local yardsales! I stocked up a bag of clothes for my youngest son for under 3 dollars! I love a good yardsale...even if I have to go out of state for it.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 2 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Merryweather Family
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Are you still reeling from the last challenge? Were you successful or were you left feeling unsatisfied? This is the month to kick butt...your own, that is. The weather is warming up and the summer styles are hitting the stores. It is time to GET FIT!
1. You earn points each day for the tasks you accomplish. If you don't complete a task in one day, you cannot finish it the next day and count points for the first day and the next day. So choose wisely and EARN, EARN, EARN!
2. You can earn multiple points on weight loss and exercise! For each pound you lose, you earn 2 points, for each 1/2 hour of cardio you complete you earn 1 point...thus, for each hour of cardio you complete, you earn 2 points.
3. You get a free day! SUNDAY...free to relax and enjoy without managing points.
4. If you have any other questions on the rules...simply email me! See contact info above.
Everyday you earn one point for the following:
Finish eating at 7:30 pm
5 fruit/ veggie
No soda
7 hrs sleep
Water 64 oz
No sugar
Clean your home for 1 hour
Read a story to your children/read alone for 30 min
You can earn multiple points for the following (for every 30 min. of cardio give youself one point, 1 hour = 2 points):
30 min cardio
20 min toning
Count points for weight loss only once a week. Total your weekly points and add in your weight loss points. Remember to give yourself 2 points for every pound you drop. HOWEVER if you gain, then you must add 2 points back for every pound you gain.
Weight loss (2pt)
SO, are you in? Reply in the thoughts to let me know if your in for this month's challenge. If you are new to blogger, you simply need to click on the thoughts link below to leave a comment...then follow the directions on the box that pops up.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 24 SPLURTS