Thursday, July 21, 2011

secret 2 of 100.

When I was fourteen I was arrested.

It involved my best friend, two older boys, one stolen van, and possibly a little Mary Jane (if you know what I mean...but since this is a family blog I'm not going to elaborate.)

Nuff' said.

Have a great Thursday. Obey the law.


Jessie Humphries said...

Are those ur hands?

i'm erin. said...

Jessie, you know I have man hands! Of course. ha ha...not.

Aubrey said...

But here's the real question: Was it your last dance with Mary Jane?

Just SO said...

I'm showing my naivete here but I'll have to google about Mary Jane.

A. said...

What?! No details? Why did I not know this?

Nikki said...

WHAT?! I had no idea drugs were involved. I DO recall being rudely awoken and accused that I "must know where my sister is." no idea. I was clueless.

Peggy Eddleman said...

It's amazing how you turned into such an upstanding citizen who would never EVER do anything illegal. Not even trespassing.

JoMamma said...

No wonder my parents did not want my hanging out with "that calabio girl".

Shelby said...
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Fred said...

I suspected as much. You didn't listen to Nancy Reagan.

i'm erin. said...
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Cruise to the Max said...

Being Erin's husband I know a bit about this story and I just want to make it clear that Erin did not dance with Mary Jane although based on how cryptic her story was I can see how someone might get that impression.

Brekke - Felt Photography said...

I had my rebel days, but Mary Jane was never invited to the parties. Kook-aid and PGA was enough.

Dude, we so could have hung out, but by 14 I had my act together so maybe not. ;)

Bobbi said...

I love how you never exaggerate the stories you post on your blog, Erin. I'm not sure if we were technically arrested in the first place as I don't remember anyone ever reading me my rights. Of course, perhaps as fourteen year olds we didn't have any rights to be read? Still one of my favorite stories to tell, and one my family will never let me forget. On a separate note, sorry to hear about your grandma, though I am so glad that you'll be able to attend the funeral. Funerals are amazing celebrations of life and such a great time to remember and honor special people that have touched our lives! Have a wonderful journey, and let the tears flow!!! Love you, friend! said...

Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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