I'm at a shoot. Like always, I'm snapping group pictures like a mad dog until I'm pooped out (ha ha...you'll get my pun in a minute). Then I say, "Hey, let me take some single shots of your cute kids."
Awesome mom (who just so happens to be a nationally published writer...urg...no animosity there) says, "sure."
Kid numero uno comes over and I shoot him. He's cute, I can see why the girls die over him at his high school, and I convince him to do an awesome back flip. I'm happy.
College-grad sister is next. She smiles at the camera and I nearly hate her because she's flawlessly beautiful...but then I decide I love her because she makes my pictures look WOWZA!
Then, I come to second-oldest boy. He's leaner than his older buff-football-playing brother, but his smile is adorable. After a couple head shots straight on, I decide to switch things up a little. I say, "Hey, let's try a different angle. Squat down."
Second oldest boy says, "Like I'm pooping?"
I drop my camera, letting it hang around my neck and I bust a gut laughing. I can't stop laughing for nearly five minutes because that is the most awesomest thing anyone at any shoot has ever asked me.
When I gain my composure, my answer is, "Yes."
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The bestest thing anyone has ever asked me...like, EVER!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Question for ya.
Mark and I have moved a lot. And now we live in Utah (if that's any big suprise to you, than we obviously haven't spoken in like 3 years. Get with it, will ya?)
I was thinking today about WHY we live here. And that got me thinking deeper thoughts...stuff like, why do you live where you do? I mean, really, you could pick up and live whereever you want. So I guess what I want to know is:
WHY do you live where you live?
Thanks, I'm just curious.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 15 SPLURTS
Friday, June 11, 2010
A Day in the Life.
3. Wait till the baby monitor crackles with sounds of your kids squawking like baby birds.
c. Photog Client - smile huge because they love their rockin' awesome shots.
Photoshop is a God send.
d. Rejection from the-one-and-only-agent-I'd-sell-my-soul-to-the-devil-to-be-her-client.
ii. Blink twice, and read once more.
iii. Make the ugly sobbing sound Clair Dains popularized in ROMEO AND JULIET
11. Meander through the Riverwoods, and discover a store created just for me!!! It's all candy and toys and candy. Heaven on earth.
Universal Truths by i'm erin. 15 SPLURTS
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Scratch that. "Son of a #$%@!"
Better said, this post should be labeled When it rains it pours or What it looks like when the CRAP hits the fan, or Three Reasons a poly-style beating on your kids is okay.

Universal Truths by i'm erin. 24 SPLURTS
HOT TOPICS Life with the Summerills
Thursday, June 03, 2010
I love LOVE.
Much to my Mom's chagrin, (I know because she recently edited my sappy love story) that I'm way more of a chick-lit romance lover than like 90% of the world. I'll devour a good book in one sitting. Because, baby, once I'm hooked, I'm hooked...even if that means reading til' three in the morning. I'm the publishing industry's ideal customer. If I had the money, I'd buy and buy and buy every new book with even a hint of romance in it.
I guess that's why I like shooting engagements the most. More than seniors (graduating seniors...not old people, though they're great to shoot too), more than bridals, or families, or babies, or even the actual wedding, my favorite shoot is an engagment shoot.
I shot this picture last week. It's one of my favorites. Like, ever. Honestly, it's not super special. I didn't use a new awesome shooting techinque, or super expensive lighting. I just pulled out my camera, and my good ole' standby lens and shot this one in the moment of the kiss. And, I love it.
Just saying.
Have an awesome Thursday. Go kiss someone by an old truck.
Luv, erin
Publishing News: I have three awesome agents that have requested either a partial or a full of my manuscript. Does that mean I'm going to one day get published? No. But it gives me hope.