I am was a giant snarled-haired mess of a nerd. Tis sad, but true. (Thank you Ursula for that line.)
Growing up, I was a bit on the portly side. I wore the same shirt day in and day out. And I somehow missed the memo that brushing my hair was of any importance. (THIS IS NOT THE SECRET). In the fifth grade Donnie Sullivan . . . oh sweet Donnie Sullivan, sigh . . . he talked to me at recess. My heart nearly exploded out of my chest as I watched him approach. But that sensation was short lived.
Donnie said, "Hey Erin, don't you know how to use a brush?"
Uh, apparently not.
The kids laughed. I joked back. Faked a smile. But inside, I died a little.
And then I vowed to start brushing my hair. (True story, but NOT the secret.)
The thing of it is, despite my chub and rat's nest living atop my head, I had lots of friends because I went out of my way to be friendly and as funny. But I never had "the one." The one friend that would be my BFF and share a Best Friend Necklace. This plagued me. I prayed at night that the Lord would deliver me a BFF, one willing to split the heart necklace that marked us as Best Friends Forever.
Five things I did at work last week
4 hours ago
Do you think Brandon Flowers could fit in my mailbox? Lol.
Erin, this is such a sweet story. Awww. I've had BFF's but never one for years and years. And I don't think I've ever had half of a BFF necklace before.
Love this post! :)
Um...so I'm a little choked up right now. I'm happy for you, Erin. :) The crazy thing is that I can totally relate, and I don't think I realized it until reading this post. I can honestly say that I don't think I ever had a best friend myself. I still kind of don't (not counting my hubby) if we're talking about a best girl friend.
The point of this comment was not to be all 'woe is me', but to say thanks. Thanks for reminding me that it's still possible. :)
Wonderful story, Erin! He answers prayers on His time, not ours.
This is such a sad yet sweet story. And it would make a great MG book. Desperately Seeking BFF!
DUDE, an email just popped up while I was writing this and it's you commenting on my blog. Creepy!!
glad you finally got your bff! thanks for sharing your story!
I'm 65. I've had a few good friends at different times in my life. Having best friends tends to be the result of isolation (? trying to think of a better word). When I was in college, I had a best friend. When I was in the navy, I had a best friend. After the navy, at my job I had a best friend. But, as I grew older, and got married, that pretty much stopped. So, I guess BFF is a childhood/group thing. At least it was for me. You must of had some close friends though, even if not BFF.
Hahahaha! Such a great story! Man I wish I knew 10 year old, chubbed, rat's nested Erin. (Although my secret is, I have a hard time believing that she ever existed. Except for the friends with the entire school part. That I totally believe.) Now see? That's the REAL key to getting one half of the coveted BFF necklace-- stick like glue to ONE PERSON. Go everywhere together with linked arms. Whisper lots of secrets, but only to them. Forget being friends with everyone! That's not how one reaches one's BFF necklace goals. ;)
I think you're cool Erin, but that just might mean that I'm a bigger nerd than you are! Yay for BFF's!
I'm with Peggy...I have serious doubts about this rat's nested chubster story! You are way too sytlish, beautiful, outgoing, hilarious, physically fit, tan, talented, kind, generous, and amazing for any of it to be true. In fact you are my hero. Whoever that girl is who sent you that BFF stuff is lucky to have you!!! ;)
Haha I was always on the bigger side growing up too. Must be those polynesian genes. Oh yeah and I have the messy hair too. Definitely the polynesian genes.
Love this secret! We could have been best friends, for sure. I was suuuuper nerdy and my best friends were books. :)
yeah! You got the necklace I sent! LOVE YOU BFF!!! ;)
That was so sweet. I would have never guessed since you are Miss Personality with a bazillion friends. Whoever has the other half of that necklace is one blessed person!
Firstly, I've missed your secrets. My most favorite posts to read.
secondly, this was one of the sweetest posts, ever. And I'm so happy you got that necklace, even if it took a little while to get to you. <3
So sweet!!
When I was in 5th grade I had a boy come up and ask me what country I was from because of my accent. speech impediment. Next time we run into each other we should swap nerd stories and see who wins. ;)
So glad you're posting again!
I'm with Jaime. So, y'know, thanks. :)
I'm kinda confused... I didn't send you anything.
Hahahahaha! Erin, you crack me up!
I wish we'd have known each other all our lives because I know for every story or secret you share, there's a hundred more. Haha!
Oh Erin, you're not fooling anyone. You were never a rat's nested nerd, were you? I know *I* was (complete with huge glasses), but i can't believe you were. That's so sweet that someone sent you that necklace, I have a guess who it is... ;)Yay for answered prayers, even 23 years later. :)
I'm cracking up here, Erin. I've never had a best friend necklace. I'm not entirely sure who would want to share one with me. :)
I freakin' love this story, Erin! (The ending, that is. The beginning had me making scary faces at little Donnie.)
Have a great weekend! :)
Prayers do get answered.
You have the other half of the heart :-)
And my own are being answered in a slow process...I think lol!!
To think I had a complete BFF necklace all these years we've known each other. My mom suggested I give it to my sister. Sisters have to been your friend no matter what.
I miss you too. Maybe your move will bring us closer together and we can hang out. Wait your moving farther away from me HMMMMM. I think this calls for a girls night your BFF can come to.
Love this and you too, Erin! You are ten shades of awesome. Thanks for sharing! When I was in 5th grade, I had 2 best friends. We talked about getting one of those necklaces that split 3 ways (yes, they still make those). Anyway, one weekend their mom's went shopping together with them and they bought a BF necklace that only split 2 ways. The Monday they came to school wearing them was rough. I got over it and am still friends with these girls, love 'em. But the best part? Last year I gave a 3-way BFF necklace to my 2 girls. It had a blue popsicle on it and I even wore it to church with them. :)
Lovely story, thanks for sharing this personal reflection. And if it makes you feel any better, my fuzzy, frizzy bird's nest was (and is) red, so ranga on top of that :)
BFFs are an important part of life and it takes some of us longer than others to find the special ones.
Lovely story, thanks for sharing this personal reflection. And if it makes you feel any better, my fuzzy, frizzy bird's nest was (and is) red, so ranga on top of that :)
BFFs are an important part of life and it takes some of us longer than others to find the special ones.
Oh. My. Heck. You are so adorable!!! You know I had that same prayer growing up too. I found that BFF at the end of the 9th grade and she was my BFF throughout highschool We were too "old" for matching necklaces then, but we did do other things like drink love potion, make stupid home videos, go on journal-writing expeditions (nerd alert!). BFFs are so important! I'm glad you finally found yours. <3333333333
awww! everyone should have to go through an awkward phase so they know how it feels! i was a chub myself and i didnt care about brushing my hair either...
i got friendship bracelets but never a heart. i'll split one w/ya!
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