I am a loser.
1. Epic blog fail happened when I didn't post the winners of my lovely little TITLE contest. Lame-o.
2. My sister nominated me for a blog award days ago. And, yeah, I just realized.
3. I went to Las Vegas and put on 7 pounds thanks to Jessie at B-Word Blog and her freezer full of ice cream.
Please forgive me for my complete and total lameness this last week. To make up for it, I've chosen more than one winner.
I LOVED all your titles. Seriously. They were so much better than anything I came up with.
For the title I've chosen to smack on my manuscript and query:
For the titles that made me laugh out loud:
For the winners:
You have just won yourself a head shot shoot with me, Erin Summerill. I will shoot you and it will be awesome. Then you can use the picture as a head shot for facebook, blogger, your upcoming super awesome book . . . you get the picture.
If you don't live in Utah, you can pass your award along OR you can come to Utah OR you can wait till I'm in your neck of the woods. I travel a lot so it's not a stretch. England is on the list of places to go in the next year.
Email me whenever you want to cash in on your prize of awesomeness. Erinsummerill(At)hotmail.com.
Thank you to everyone who sent in titles! I LOVED them. And if you happen to see me out with my camera, just pull me aside and I'll shoot you.