Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Are you Freakin' Kidding Me? That's what I wanted to say, but didn't. Instead I bit down on the inside of my lip until I couldn't take it any more and I hang up that damn phone. (Pardon my English...but I'm pretty something right now)

Over the last month I have felt like CRAP. Tired, bloated, DIZZY, sweat pits, and a slew of other things I probably shouldn't mention here. Needless to say, I felt like and still feel like CRAP. So much so that while teaching step aerobics last week I fell off my step.

After a month of frustration, I finally went to the doctor. Begrudgingly paid my fifteen dollar copay (yeah, think of the great yardsale finds I could buy with that) and went in to see the doc. He checked my ears, eyes, throat, lungs...and some other areas (hm. hm. hm.) And then had the nurse take my blood for blood tests. Being the strong person that I am (hm. hm. hm.) I endured all the exams and the bloody test. We talked about my symptoms and he concurred that it most likely was my thyroid not functioning correctly again. Oh well, at least I know that can be fixed with a little bit of meds.

I waited patiently until the doc finally called back yesterday. I was ready to jump in my ghetto truck and cruise down to the Walmart to pick up my prescription, WHEN, the doc said it wasn't my thyroid! What the friggin' crap? Then what? He suggested I come in for another exam and more tests.

So I said, "Do I have to pay another fifteen dollar copay?" and he says, "Um, yes."

Of course that's ridiculous, so I hung up the damn phone on him! (and swore in a not so under my breath manner...there's no way I am paying another fifteen dollars of precious yardsaling money to have the doc poke and prod me.)

ASK THE AUDIENCE: Don't you agree with me? That's fifteen dollars!!!


A. said...

Oh that gets me too! Why didn't he just do it all when you were there for pete's sake?! Well, i guess he wouldn't know what else to test for until he got those preliminary test results...but still!!!

So..... whatcha got? Another bun in the oven? :D

Maman Pélissié said...

I know it is another precious $15, but I think it is pretty important that you find out what is wrong.

Rach said...

so.....what happened? I NEED to know.

Wendy said...

I'll pay your co-pay, a healthy you is worth it!

Ella said...

I would tell him you were in for this and you should not have to pay for the same thing again, he did not do his job, which is, fix you.

JoMamma said...

I wish I had a $15 co-pay. I have to pay 100% of my visit until I reach my deductiable which is HUGE, so I don't have any motivation to go have my annual exam, or anything else done for me. Oh how I wish I had a co-pay.

Kayleen said...

I totally relate. In fact I could have written this same post. My doctor has no problem trying to rob me of more co-pays and give no results. My A-MAZING friend keeps telling me to stop trusting the "great white doctor" and visit her nutritionist / healer who she swears by. Says they saved her son's life. I think I'm going to check them out. I'm tired of being tired and I know you are too! Life is too short to be anything but happy! Okay girlfriend! Call me! :)

renae said...

i think you should go back... give him another try, and if he can't figure something out this time, then ask finn about his miracle workers.

Just SO said...

Mine is $20. Just sayin'.

Brooke said...

Ummm, I'd be happy to have to pay a $15 copay twice, because it's still less than my $40 copay... I hope you (and your ignorant dr.) figure it out soon, it sucks to feel lousy.

Peggy said...

Erin: "Hello, Doctor. Here's my life. Oh, and my health. I'd like to place them both in your hands."

Doc: [Holds out hands and carefully accepts both life and health into his care.]

Erin: "Now hold them gently, cuz I'm about to flick you in the head, and I'd hate to see you drop them."

kimpg3 said...

You gotta go back Erin...everyone here needs you in tip-top shape, not to mention your cute family.

Bobbi said...

No way! Forget the doctor and just start drinking nothing but lemon water and cayenne pepper for a month. That's sure to "detoxify" whatever's wrong with your body! (Not really. Go to the doctor. I'll pay your copay too and then between Wendy and I you'll have your co-pay paid PLUS $15 yardsaleing cash!) Love you, Erin!

Jo said...

You LISTEN to Wendy & Bobbi! You call IMMEDIATELY for another appointment! Your MOM says so!

big8smiley said...

So irritating. I put off going to the Dr too! If he could guarantee that he is going to come up with something . . . then maybe! I've been in your same boat!

Melissa said...

Hey Erin,
I just read this little article about drinking soda. I enjoy my 16 ozs of soda a day (diet mt dew) and now I may not be enjoying it anymore. Take a look.

Marcie said...

I thought the same thing as "A." but you haven't said anything yet! You probably are sick of hearing this, but my stinkin' copay is $30! I hope you feel better soon, wonderwoman.

Haley Hale said...

Seriously, go back. Pay the $15 and then tell us all what is going on with you.

Ipo said...

Since I'm late in commenting, I'm sure you've come to your senses and already gone back in to see your doctor. $15 a hundred times over is worth finding out what's wrong so you can do something about it....or the peace of mind knowing it's nothing after all.