Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Fit Challenge Questions and Answers: Revised for MORE Questions

Here are a few questions that I have received about GET FIT CHALLENGE. Click here to sign up for, and find out about the challenge, or read through the questions below and you will gain more insight into this great challenge. If you have an unanswered question, post it in the comments section and I will respond to it as soon as possible. The last question might be the one that interests you the most, so read all of them!

Sometimes, knowing the intriguing prize is a big motivation!!! --Round in the Belly Rachel

Dear Round in the Belly Rachel and ALL FIT CHALLENGE PARTICIPANTS,
You are right! And the prizes are worth the work. Here they are. If you are chosen as a winner, you will win one of the prizes below. Read the last question to find out how to win a prize.
1. A $250 photography package from me. (I shoot, you pose, I make cd, you print)
2. Every Woman's dream Apron: this apron is adorable, fashionable, and flattering. Made in the most unique fabrics, you will be the talk of your home! (pictures to come)
3. My favorite pick of LIA SOPHIA jewelry (an $89 value)
4. A must have BEACH/POOL Bag...also made by me, it is washable, reversable, and big!
5. My favorite pick of workout music compiled on your very own CD!
6. A mix of every occassion salutation cards (created and crafted by me). You will love giving these out and passing them along to friends.

Where/when do we report on our days?--Shaking it Up Shelly

Dear Shaking it up Shelly and ALL FIT CHALLENGE PARTICIPANTS,
You are to keep track of your daily points and total them up each week, and monthly. Then at the end of each month, I will post a blog calling for your points. In the comments section, respond with your points and any success story or trial you want to share. I will post my call for points on the first day of each month to call for your points from the previous month. Winners will be announced one week from each call. The first call for points will be on April 1, 2008!...SO GET GOING!

I want to play. However, I am only gaining weight right now and I am quite limited in the amount of physical activity that I am allowed to take on (specific instructions: no optional physical activity). Any suggestions? --Hapai (pregnant in hawaiian) Haley

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Pregnancy is a great time to keep in check with your 'fitness goals'. No, I don't mean you should be losing weight, but you should be eating your fruits and veggies, engaging in 20-30 minutes of light cardio activity (if possible), drinking at least 64 oz of water...and so on. You can compete in the fitness challenge, but do not pay attention to the weight loss portion. I would say you can do everything on the challenge but the weight loss...so get on it!

What? No "Spend an hour with your favorite local Yeti" on Saturday?! --Yoga Yeti

Yoga is an excellent mind and body workout. It helps you to center your thoughts and feelings and gain total control over your body. Yoga is a great way to earn your 'toning' points each day! You can use yoga everyday for your 'toning' points or just once a week...so Namaste!

I'm confused though about the weight loss one. If you have weight loss that day, then you get 2 pts? --Losing the Weight Leslie

Weight loss is the only category in which you can earn more than one point. This can be totaled daily or weekly. I personally don't like to weigh myself everyday because I have to many emotional connections to the number on the scale, so I weigh myself once a week. Then for the amount of weight I lose that week, I earn 2 points per pound. If you choose to weigh yourself daily, you would earn also 2 points per pound. Consequently, if your weight goes up, then you would lose those 2 points per pound that you lost. Choose which weigh-time works for you and be consistent with it...Get on it!

I would love for you to fashion me some post pregnancy workout. . . --Post Pregnancy Price

Dear Post Pregnancy Price and ALL CONTESTANTS WHO HAVE HAD A BABY,
I know how difficult it can be to lose the baby bulge, to me it felt like a plague on my life. I would caution you to take your time, since it took 9 months to put on the weight it will take close to that to take the weight off. I know that I never felt 100% myself until my baby was close to a year old! That being said, start your daily workout at 30 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of toning, but when you feel stronger add to your workout by increasing your intensity or the duration of your workout. Instead of 30 minutes of cardio, try 45, and instead of 20 minutes of toning, try 40. By making little changes in your workout on a weekly basis, you will see results much quicker...so GET ON IT!

I don't get how we earn a prize...--slimming up celia

Dear slimming up celia and ALL FIT CHALLENGE PARTICIPANTS,
This is the greatest question of all. I love prizes don't you? There are a few different ways to qualify for prizes.
1. In the comments section of the Fit Challenge Blogs, post your own story. You can write about your week's successes or failures. I will then re-post your story on the blog to for others to read and connect with. Out of all those who post on my blog, I will choose at random from the stories and send an alluring and exciting prize to that person...if you are the only one to post, than you are the winner!
2. Earn the most points! Every month I will tally who earned the most points. I will ask all participants to report the number of points they earned and a small story on how they reached their success. The person who earns the most points WINS!!! I will send out their prize within a week of the end of the month.
3. Post this challenge on your blog and encourage others to sign up for the challenge. Send me a link to your blog too so i can get re-excited about my own contest. I will then choose at random from the people who have posted this challenge on their blog. That person will receive an alluring and exciting prize!


{Erica} said...

clicked on over from natalies blog...i love your blog and i will totally be back! :)

Rach said...

Sometimes, knowing the intriguing prize is a big motivation!!! Maybe the prize could be some lovely jewelry from Lia Sophia....or maybe Decorating tips on our own homes!!! or maybe.....free photo shot with teh famous Erin Summerill!!

Carterista said...

Love the prizes!! They are alluring and motivating. I've posted your contest on my blog, but then you already knew that. Now that I know there is a prize for it, I'll fancy it up a bit. Ü

kellieanne said...

I am so tempted! Let me catch my breath before I commit . . .

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

I want the apron, and the CD and the cards so bad. I don't want to loose weight but I want to loose the stretch marks on my tummy? any secrets?I will post this challenge on my blog today. I do want to get fit and exciercise more so I am totally excited.

Ticklemedana said...

I just posted the challenge on my blog, ticklemedana.blogspot.com, and I'm on my way. Yea! Something fun to do with my life...LOL

Heather Brown said...

I have posted this on my blog....


I would love to do this. I will start next week so Im not starting in the middle of the week!!

The Blaisdell Family said...

Thanks for taking the time to break down the "rules" like this. I now feel like I'm on the same page:)