Monday, April 30, 2007

Tongue, Drool, Drool, Drool, Tongue

Hi, I am Theodore! If you are looking for a good time, so am I. I would love to sit and listen to you talk. My friends say I am a good listener because I am so attentive. I will watch your every movement while you gab on and on, but please talk about me. I love when people gush about me.
My idea of a good time would entitle a lot of lip service...hahaha...

Ok Here are some pictures of me playing with Theodore this morning. He was acting like a little crabby demon baby because I wasn't giving him my undivided attention. When I finally sat down to hold him, he cheered right up. He just wanted to play I guess. I can't hardly believe that he is 6 1/2 months old. It goes by so fast! He loves to sit and drool. I think that he must be teething because the amount of drool coming out of his mouth has increased 10 fold. His favorite thing to do is stick out his tounge. If you stick out yours too, he giggles and then does it again. My little Teddy bear is such a cutie.


Leslie said...

First - he is so cute that I may just bring an Emily girly to trade for him and you won't get him back until Emily is cured of her temper tantrums. Secondly, I couldn't figure out what you were talking about at first then I realized you meant "tongue". You beach bums must have a different language out there, ha haha ha!

kellieanne said...

Hey Theodore, if you're interested in older chicks, I know a real cute 21 month old that is available. She likes to decorate walls with writing utensils and food. She's a bit bossy right now, but I think with time she will grow out of it. Oh yeah, drool doesn't bother her one bit!

Marcie said...

He is so bright-eyed and smiley. :) Wow- so much drool!

A. said...

Aw - too cute. I can see the drool all over him. Hmm...reminds me of my own drool machine. haha

Shelby said...

The young (13 year old) girl next door proclaims any liquid substance that comes from a baby is gross. Baby drool would send her right over the edge. However; I watched the other day as she let a stray husky dog drool about a half-cup of spit all over her leg and arm without flinching, or wiping it off. I told her she had serious problems. For myself, I think everything that comes out of babies is adorable!

Nikki said...

What a cute drooler!

Shelby said...

Shinysue is my alter-ego. I think I finally straightened my three blogs up (two of which were accidental.) So now I actually post as myself, Tammy.

aisyahputrisetiawan said...

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