In January I stopped eating sugar and drinking caffine. Well, mostly. Alright, so it was a little hard when we went on vacation to California, and then even harder when Harts (my city's beloved gas station) has free drink day, but the hardest when I went to a writing conference last week and EVERYBODY was drinking and eating what I wanted.
So yeah, I broke down. I drank the Diet Coke and ate the M&Ms. I swear I wasn't thinking about food and soda the whole time, but when I look back at the pictures I took, I wonder if maybe I was just fooling myself.
You decide.
Yeah, and a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. Yum.
An apple. So I was trying to stay least in thought.
Food, glorious Food!
Yes a gummy worm. And sadly, if she offered it to me I would have eaten it from her nose.
These may be the unfortunates that didn't win a Whitney at the 2011 Whitney Awards,
but I just see them as Cheesecake lovers.
Yes, I'm guilty of being a food lover.
luv, erin
I'm concerned that you really would have eaten that from her nose.
Looks like it was way fun! Now I want a pretzel....
holy sugar or caffeine. That's my dream but I'm far too chicken to try it! How about you write a bloggity on that and tell us all the pro's so that I finally can get strong enough to try it...for a week.
Hahaha! Peggy is going to LOVE that photo of her! lolo
And, Erin, you have a problem. I do too, so I'm not pointing fingers, I'm saying we should start a support group. Haha!
i love food too. I love junk food. but I don't have enough will power like you.
That reminds me... I was going to ask you about those hot tamales we ate at the movie. When I got home, I thought, "Hey, wait! Isn't she on a sugar free diet?" ;)
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