Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Intern: lessons learned on a Tuesday

1. I heart Harts.
If you live in Pleasant Grove and you don't go to the Hart's at least three times a week to get yourself a big chill, then you're probably the type of person who'd choose a Krispy Kreme over Daylight Doughnuts, or McDonalds over TA (taco amigo). And that, my friend, is a crime. (Or at least it should be.)

There is nothing that gives me more joy on a daily basis than filling up a cold 32 oz at the Harts. Today after a double senior shoot, I took Intern down to the Harts. And, (drum roll please) I shared with her my special drink mix that puts a hop in my step and keeps me feeling alert during my vigorous editing sessions. I explained to Intern that a happy photographer is one that takes a daily trip to Harts.

2. I heart Chocolate.
When one of my favorite printing shops dropped off my prints with two chocolates, I set down my Harts drink. Did I share one with Intern? HECK-A-NO. Why? Because I love chocolate and I'm the one who edited the pictures that the printer dropped off. Thus, I'm the one who earned the chocolate. Me. Me. Me.

3. I heart Bacon.
After a couple minutes I felt bad that I didn't share my chocolate with Intern. I know, I'm such a bleeding heart. So, I offered her some of last night's leftovers instead. YUM! (It was pasta with a tomato bacon sauce. Now you're not feeling so bad for Intern, are you?)


Fullmer Family said...

Oh Erin, your posts always make me miss good ol' PG!! I CRAVE Harts fountain drinks and def crave TA!! I love reading them because I feel like I am home again. Thanks.
And your comment on my blog makes me want to move down there today to get ready for you to shoot my triplets! (that sounds bad, but you know what I mean.) Maybe one day we'll be closer and I can get some sweet shots done. And more importantly, learn some stuff from the PRO! :)
Now go have a Harts drink for me.

Beckstrom7 said...

I miss PG some days. Mostly I miss TA. I have made my husband stop there a couple times lol.

Peggy said...

I, also, heart Harts. And Taco Amigo. And Bacon. Just not with chocolate.