Friday, July 09, 2010

sweats and s'mores.

One time Dad took us camping in the Grand Canyon. After a long, hot, tiring day of doing whatever families of seven do at the big GC, Dad plunked us five kids in front of the camp fire and handed us a bag of marshmallows.
Then he and Mom went into the camper.
hm hm.

We spent the evening, singing, "On the road again," and flinging flaming balls of hot mallow across the nearby road, onto other trailers, and into the trees. It was AWESOME. The next morning the scenery looked like a scene from Cloudy with a Chance of MALLOWS! 

Now, I take a moment to reflect on two great loves of my life, brought together by chance one lazy evening in the heart of Washington.

Teal sweats, and roasted marshmallows.


Ipo said...

love the 'used-and-abused' sweat pants!!

Corrie- said...

Hi Erin, I've been a lurker to your amazing blog for a couple of years. I'm an OH friend of Shayleen's and found your blog on hers. I love your photography and your use of the outdoors. Your kiddos are so cute too! Recently facebook helped me put it all together. I worked with your brother-in-law Troy when I lived in UT over a decade ago. I saw your sister Leslie in a pic of Troy's on facebook and noticed that some of the kids were the same as your blog. Anyway, this is such a Kevin Bacon connection, but I wanted to let you know that I heart your blog!

i'm erin. said...

Corrie! That is amazing. I love wierd connections...especially when they have to do with my sister and bro in law...they are crazy.

I hope one day we can meet.

Peggy said...

Gosh, Erin. You even look cute in stolen-back-from-the-garbage sweats.

i'm erin. said...

Peggy you watch your mouth. You're going to hurt their feelings...

Unknown said...

Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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