Sunday, May 03, 2009


No, I didn't go to prom...Yeah right. ok, so I wasn't asked...and Mark's not into crashing the high school proms around here anyway...go figure. I did, however, get to take fun, wacky, crazy, prom pictures for Sidney (my perma-model, most of the time). I thought they turned out great, and are an excellent reprise from the typical gross stand like a mannequin shots you get after waiting an hour in line for prom pics.

Aw, sweet Prom memories. I had a blast the few times I was able to go to prom. I remember being so keyed up to go, and planning out my outfit for weeks in advanced. I like to say that in my glory days, I ROCKED the dance floor...but that is my side of the story...hopefully my dates didn't think I was a total drag.

ASK THE AUDIENCE: How was your prom? Did you go? Did you have fun? Memories?


Rach said...

cute. .love the fence picture and her walking away.

All Andersens said...

Erin, I love your photo's!! Wish I was in Utah! I love the color, and the way it pops with the one of them in the road. Ok, well I didn't get to go to my prom :o(

JoMamma said...

The pictures are great. I love what the reflection from the wet road.

I went to prom on a school bus. NOT a short school bus but a full size bus. It was fun. Oh the memories.

Just SO said...

Great pictures!

I went to my Junior prom with my dream man at the time. Wore a light blue bubble skirt dress and looked liked I was drugged in the photo. Ah good times. I need to dig it out and post it in all it's glory. It's HIDEOUS.

I didn't go to my Senior prom. I broke up with dream man not too long before it.

Brooke said...

These pictures are gorgeous! Makes we reminisce about my prom days...yeah right!

kimpg3 said...

Those pictures are so great Erin!! Sidney looks fabulous as always, and put that together with your talent and you get those amazing pictures. Well done!!!

Carterista said...

I'm LOVING the wet road look!

Nick and Emily said...

I FREAKIN LOVED MY PROM. it was probably one of the funnest day's of my life. my parents were even at it. they were chaperons. it was awesome. we danced on the stage and had a blast.

Robyn said...

I loved prom. Except the year that we waiting in line for seriously like 2 hours and only got to dance to about 4 songs. Oh was still great! Of course, having a totally HOT date didn't hurt the evening, oh, and I looked AWESOME!!! Good times...

Marcie said...

These pictures are amazing! What a beautiful location and handsome couple, my talented friend. :)