Of course by now you know what an avid yardsaler I am. Even though I have a hard time pulling my butt out of bed before 8am on a normal day, when Saturday comes, I am often up by 6:45 or 7:00am. I live for the thrill of a great yard sale. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing you just paid 2.00 for a Belgium waffle iron that would have cost you 40.00 at Target, or paying .25 for gently used name brand clothing for your kids.
Since our recent (see previous posts) financial earthquake, we have been dedicated to building our savings and paying off all debts; which translates to NO MORE MALL! And for that matter, no more new anything unless it is a necessity. This new family policy has definitely put a damper on my newly acquired quilting love. So, imagine my thrill when I found a yard sale that had a basket full of quilting fabrics. I nearly kissed the poor lady as I paid her my 3 dollars for an entire quilt kit, a kit that would have cost me 30.00-40.00 at the local quilt store. For my 3 dollars I walked away with and entire pre-cut quilt kit for a baby quilt, plus the fabric for the back and the binding...plus extra! Do you see now why I LOVE YARDSALING?!?
Five things I did at work last week
4 hours ago
Dang it. I guess I should get my butt out of bed in hopes of some great find.
Eying "I am often up by 6:45 or 7:00am" suspiciously. You'll maintain that dedication when weekend Yoga starts up again in September, right? <The Yeti runs away quickly>
Sheesh! I wish I found something that cool this summer! Well, I have found quite a few awesome yard sale finds but nothing quilting related, darn it!
Sorry to hijack but another great tip is retired furniture store fabric samples. You know the "books" of fabric that have been three ring bound together. Its the samples people flip through when picking a custom couch or curtains. They average 10" x 10" sizes and are great for winter quilts. It is basically all the really expensive and extremly high quality fabrics none of us can afford for free. My friend is an interior decorator and when a line is discontinued she brings over the 6-8 sample books they were using in the store. I seperate them, wash them, iron them and then start piecing the quilt together. In the past I have taken inexpensive flannel sheets that I have bought at Big Lots or a discount store to back the top of the quilt with. With a nice batting in the middle they are the warmest and coziest quilts ever. The fabrics are all in the same family of colors and textures so it is pretty easy to put it together. I made two queen size quilts for family last christmas at the whopping cost of $15.00 each and they were gorgeous. Wish I had kept one for myself.
Holy Cow! That's about the price for one fat quarter. I would be rewarding myself with additional fabric in the sum of the cashola that you saved! Great idea, huh?
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